2019年2月12日のThe New York Timesの報道によると、北朝鮮では旧正月にcrystal meth(覚せい剤)を贈る慣習があるとのことです。
The custom of gifting crystal meth in North Korea to celebrate the Lunar New Year is essentially an open secret, experts say
— The New York Times (@nytimes) 2019年2月12日
Some people in North Korea are said to inject or snort meth as casually as they might smoke a cigarette, with little awareness of its addictive qualities or destructive powers
— New York Times World (@nytimesworld) 2019年2月12日
Some ordinary North Koreans see crystal meth as a kind of “Red Bull, amplified,” with little awareness of its addictive qualities or destructive effects, says @andreilankov @nytimesworld @teddy_vg @SheenaGreitens @committeehrnk
— Mike Ives (@mikeives) 2019年2月12日
Words and Phrases(語句の意味)
crystal meth:覚せい剤の俗称
the Lunar New Year:旧正月、(中国では)春節
an open secret:公然の秘密